Witness Directory APP provides a source of expert witnesses, for legal professionals seeking expert opinions and testimony for their cases. It is a comprehensive database that lists expert witnesses across over 2500 different fields of expertise, including but not limited to, medicine, engineering, finance, and technology.Witness Directory APP provides detailed information about the expert witnesses, such as their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise, allowing legal professionals to quickly and easily search for and find the right expert witness for their case.The expert witness directory Android app is designed to bring the power of this valuable resource to lawyers fingertips. With a user-friendly interface and advanced search features, legal professionals can easily browse through impartial expert witnesses, filter the results based on their specific requirements, and make informed decisions based on the expert witnesss qualifications and experience.The expert witness directory app is intuitive and easy to navigate. Upon launching the app, users are presented with a search bar, where they can enter a keyword related to the expert theyre looking for. For example, if a user is looking for an expert witness in the field of internal medicine, they can enter "internal medical" in the search bar, and the app will display a list of medical expert witnesses. Users can further narrow down the search results by selecting the specific area of expertise, location, or credentials.Each expert witness profile in the directory includes a detailed description of their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise. Users can view the experts education, certifications, professional associations, and publications. The app also includes features such as direct contact details, which allows users to contact the expert witnesses they are interested in and contact them for FREE. Users can also share expert witness profiles with their colleagues via email or social media, making collaboration on cases easier.